Your Flexible Diuretic Regimen

Your Target Weight:
Current Furosemide Dose: AM: mg
PM: mg
{{ nowDate() }}
  • Weigh yourself first thing in the morning after emptying your bladder and before breakfast.
  • Record your weight on your daily weight record.
  • Find your weight on the chart below. Look to the right, and take the dose of furosemide (Lasix) according to the directions.
Diuretic Regimen
Weight Diuretic Dose
Less than {{ level1b }} {{ unit }} Don't take furosemide Take {{ level1dose }} mg ({{ numberOfTablets(level1dose) }}) of furosemide in the morning and {{level1dose}} mg ({{ numberOfTablets(level1dose) }}) in the afternoon
Between {{level2a}} and {{level2b}} {{ unit }} Don't take furosemide Take {{startingdoseAm}} mg ({{ numberOfTablets(startingdoseAm) }}) of furosemide in the morning and {{startingdosePm}} mg ({{ numberOfTablets(startingdosePm) }}) in the afternoon
Between {{level3a}} and {{level3b}} {{ unit }} Take {{level3dose}} mg ({{ numberOfTablets(level3dose) }}) of furosemide in the morning and {{level3dose}} mg ({{ numberOfTablets(level3dose) }}) in the afternoon
Over {{level4a}} {{ unit }} Take 2.5mg of metolazone 30min before the morning furosemide dose. Take {{level4dose}} mg ({{ numberOfTablets(level4dose) }}) of furosemide in the morning and {{level4dose}} mg ({{ numberOfTablets(level4dose) }}) in the afternoon
Please complete information above
If your weight does not come down after 3 days of highest dose of furosemide, {{dangerInstruction}} (click to change)

NOTE: ‘Target Weight’ may change! Please contact clinic if you think you may have gained or lost body weight.
Disclaimer: For educational use only. This tool has not been rigorously tested in research and is not recommended for clinical use at this time.
Created by Dr. Pavel Antiperovitch for the Heart Failure program at the London Health Sciences Centre